▼NRa | Hepler function to manage enum as underlying types in VariableSet |
▼NCore | This namespace contains everything "low level", related to data, datastuctures, and computation |
►NAnimation | |
CCage | |
CHandleArray | |
CKeyFramedValue | |
CKeyFramedValueBase | |
CKeyFramedValueController | |
CSequence | |
CSkeleton | |
CSkinningFrameData | Pose data for one frame |
CSkinningRefData | Skinning data that get set at startup including the "reference state" |
►NAsset | |
CAnimationData | |
CAnimationTime | |
CAssetData | |
CCamera | Camera class storing the Camera frame and the projection properties The view direction is -z in camera space |
CGeometryData | |
CHandleAnimation | |
CHandleComponentData | |
CHandleData | |
►CLightData | |
CLightAttenuation | |
CMaterialData | Represent material data loaded by a file loader. Material data must be identified by a unique name. Radium Engine reserves the following names "AbstractMaterial" --> unknown material, might serve for error management "BlinnPhong" --> standar Blinn-Phong Material |
CRawShaderMaterialData | |
CVolumeData | |
►NGeometry | |
►Ndeprecated | |
CDefaultNonManifoldFaceCommand | [Default command implementation] |
CTopologicalMesh | |
CTopologicalMeshTraits | |
CAbstractDiscreteVolume | |
CAbstractGeometry | |
CAbstractVolume | |
CAttribArrayGeometry | This class represents vertex + attributes per vertex. Toplogy is handled in MultiIndexedGeometry subclass |
CCatmullClarkSubdivider | |
CGeometryIndexLayer | Typed index collection |
CGeometryIndexLayerBase | Base class for index collections stored in MultiIndexedGeometry |
CIndexedGeometry | A single layer MultiIndexedGeometry |
CLineIndexLayer | Index layer for line mesh |
CLineToSegmentOutput | Structure holding the result of a line-to-segment distance query |
CLineToTriangleOutput | Structure holding the result of a line-to-triangle distance query |
CLoopSubdivider | |
CMultiIndexedGeometry | AbstractGeometry with per-vertex attributes and layers of indices. Each layer represents a different topology or indexing logic, e.g. triangle/line/quad meshes, point-clouds |
CObb | An oriented bounding box |
CPointCloudIndexLayer | Index layer for a point cloud |
CPointToTriangleOutput | Structure holding the result of a point-to triangle distance query |
CPolyIndexLayer | Index layer for polygonal mesh |
CPolyLine | |
CQuadIndexLayer | Index layer for quadrilateral mesh |
CSegmentToTriangleOutput | Structure holding the result of a segment-to-triangle distance query |
CSpline | Handling spline curves of arbitrary dimensions |
►CTopologicalMesh | |
CWedgeData | |
CTopologicalMeshTraits | |
CTriangleIndexLayer | Index layer for triangle mesh |
CTriangleToTriangleOutput | Structure holding the result of a triangle-to-triangle distance query |
CVolumeGrid | Discrete volume data storing values in a regular grid |
CVolumeSparse | |
►NUtils | |
►NTypeListInternal | |
CTSAppendImpl | Append any number of types to a TypeList |
CTSAppendImpl< TypeList< Ts... >, OtherTs... > | Partial specialization for a TypeList with a list of zero or more types to append |
CTSAppendImpl< TypeList< Ts... >, TypeList< OtherTs... > > | Partial specialization for a TypeList with another TypeList . Appends the other TypeList's members |
CAttrib | |
CAttribBase | |
CAttribHandle | An attrib handle basically store an Index and a name |
►CAttribManager | The AttribManager provides attributes management by handles |
CScopedLockState | Scope lock state management for attributes |
CBijectiveAssociation | Bijective association between two sets {keys} and {values} having the same cardinality. The bijection \(f\) is constructed by giving all the pairs <key, value> such that \(f(key) =
value\) |
CChrono | Chronometer for timing generic functions in an easy way |
CColorBase | |
CContainerIntrospectionInterface | This class defines the introspection interface a container need to implement |
CEnumConverter | This class manage the bijective association between string and integral representation of an enumeration |
CIndexedObject | |
CIndexMap | |
Cmap_keys | Generate a range to iterate over the keys of a map |
Cmap_values | Generate a range to iterate over the values of a map |
CObjectWithSemantic | Object associated with one or multiple semantic names |
CObservable | |
CAdjacencyList | |
CAlignedAllocator | |
CDualQuaternion | |
CFunctionTask | |
►CGrid | |
CIterator | A vector of signed offsets |
CQuadric | |
CTask | |
►CTaskQueue | This class allows tasks to be registered and then executed in parallel on separate threads |
CTimerData | Record of a task's start and end time |
CTex | |
►CVariableSet | Heterogeneous container storing "Variables", that maps a name (std::string) to a value (of any type T) |
CDynamicVisitor | Base class for visitors with configurable per-type callbacks. Visiting will be prepared at running time by dynamically adding visitor operators for each type one want to visit in the container. The visitor accept type based on either the added operators or an external acceptance functor which can be associated/changed at runtime. This functor is only allowed to reduce the number of visited type as only type for which a visitor operator is registered can be visited. The visitor operators should be any callable that accept to be called using f(const std::string&, T&[, std::any&&]) |
CDynamicVisitorBase | Base class for dynamically configurable visitors Users can implement this interface to build custom visitors without any restriction. To ease visitor configuration, see class DynamicVisitor |
CStaticVisitor | Base class for visitors with static supported types. Visiting will be prepared at compile time by unfolding type list and generating all the required function calls for the visit. Any class that defines the same alias for a public member "types" can be used as a visitor |
CVectorArray | This class implements ContainerIntrospectionInterface for AlignedStdVector |
CVectorArrayTypeHelper | |
CVectorArrayTypeHelperInternal | |
▼NEngine | This namespace contains engine and ECS related stuff |
►NData | (GPU) Data representation, along with manager |
CAttribArrayDisplayable | |
CBlinnPhongMaterial | [TextureSemantics] |
CBlinnPhongMaterialConverter | |
CCoreGeometryDisplayable | Template class to manage the Displayable aspect of a Core Geomertry, such as TriangleMesh |
CDisplayable | |
CEnvironmentTexture | Defines a spherical, infinite light sources and, optionally, sky boxes. An operator to convert an EnvironmentTexture to SH matrices for irradiance mapping is defined. An operator to draw a textured sky box is defined |
CGeneralMesh | |
CImageParameters | |
CIndexedAttribArrayDisplayable | |
CIndexedGeometry | An engine mesh owning CoreGeometry, with indices |
CLambertianMaterial | Implementation of the Lambertian Material BSDF |
CLineMesh | LineMesh, own a Core::Geometry::LineMesh |
CMaterial | Base class for materials |
CMaterialTextureSet | Base class to manage a set of textures indexed by semantic (enum) |
CMesh | Mesh, own a Core::Geometry::TriangleMesh |
CMultiIndexedGeometry | |
CParameterSetEditingInterface | Interface to define metadata (constraints, description, ...) for the editing of parameter set |
CPlainMaterial | |
CPointCloud | A PointCloud without indices |
CRawShaderMaterial | |
CRawShaderMaterialConverter | |
CRenderParameters | Management of shader parameters with automatic binding of a named parameter to the corresponding glsl uniform |
CSamplerParameters | GPU Sampler configuration |
CShaderConfiguration | |
CShaderParameterProvider | Shader program parameter provider |
CShaderProgram | |
CShaderProgramManager | |
CSimpleMaterial | Base implementation for simple, monocolored, materials |
CTexture | Represent a Texture of the engine |
CTextureManager | Manage Texture loading and registration |
CTextureParameters | Describes the sampler and image of a texture |
CVao | |
►CVaoIndices | Concept class to ensure consistent naming of VaoIndices accross derived classes |
CIndicesObserver | |
CViewingParameters | Set of viewing parameters extracted from the camera and given to the renderer |
CVolumeObject | |
CVolumetricMaterial | |
►NRendering | Rendering engines |
CDebugRender | |
CForwardRenderer | |
►CRenderer | |
CPickingQuery | |
CPickingResult | Result of a PickingQuery |
CTimerData | |
CRenderObject | |
CRenderTechnique | |
►NScene | Scene and how to communicate |
CBaseCouplingSystem | |
CCameraComponent | |
CCameraManager | |
CCameraStorage | |
CComponent | A component is an element that can be updated by a system. It is also linked to some other components in an entity. Each component share a transform through their entity |
►CComponentMessenger | |
CCallbackTypes | This describes the function pointers accepted for each type |
CDebugComponent | Component for debug drawing |
CDefaultCameraManager | DefaultCameraManager. A simple Camera Manager with a list of Cameras |
CDefaultCameraStorage | |
CDefaultLightManager | DefaultLightManager. A simple Light Manager with a list of lights |
CDefaultLightStorage | |
CDirectionalLight | |
CEntity | An entity is an scene element. It ties together components with a transform |
CGeometryComponent | Abstract interface of a geometric compoennet in the Engine |
CItemEntry | |
►CLight | |
CAttenuation | |
CLightManager | |
CLightStorage | |
CPointCloudComponent | |
CPointLight | |
CSignalManager | |
CSkeletonBasedAnimationSystem | |
CSkeletonComponent | |
CSkinningComponent | Responsible for applying Geometric Skinning Methods on an animated object's mesh |
CSpotLight | |
CSurfaceMeshComponent | Main class to convert Ra::Core::Asset::GeometryData to Ra::Engine::Mesh |
CSystem | |
CSystemEntity | |
CUiComponent | Component for UI drawing |
CVolumeComponent | Main class to convert Ra::Core::Asset::VolumeData to Ra::Engine::VolumeObject |
CFrameInfo | Structure passed to each system before they fill the task queue |
CRadiumEngine | |
▼NGui | |
►NWidgets | |
CConstrainedNumericSpinBox | Constrained input spin box. The constraint to apply to any input value is verified using the user-define predicate associated to the object |
CControlPanel | |
CMatrixEditor | |
CVectorEditor | |
CBaseApplication | This class contains the main application logic. It owns the engine and the GUI |
CCameraManipulator | Generic class for camera manipulators |
CFlightCameraManipulator | |
►CGizmo | |
CUiSelectionControler | |
CGizmoManager | |
CHelpDialog | Dialog to display navigation/interaction controls |
CItemModel | |
CKeyMappingCallbackManager | This class manage a collection of binding/callback associated with a context |
CKeyMappingManageable | KeyMappingManageable decorator to use as CRTP |
►CKeyMappingManager | An utility class used to map a (combination of) key / modifiers / mouse buttons to a specific action. Configuration can be loaded/saved to files, or use dynamic binding management. See KeyMapping API documentation for detailed concept and usage description |
CEventBinding | Inner class to store event binding |
CMainWindowInterface | |
CMaterialParameterEditor | Simple Widget for Material/RenderParameter editing A material editor will show information about the selected material and expose a control panel containing all of its editable parameters to allow the user to edit them |
CRotateGizmo | A RotateGizmo manipulates the rotational part of a transformation |
CScaleGizmo | |
CSimpleWindow | |
CSimpleWindowFactory | |
CTimeline | Display and management of time, as well as keyframes |
CTimelineFrameSelector | |
CTimelineScrollArea | |
CTimelineSlider | |
CTimelineTimeScale | |
CTrackballCameraManipulator | A Trackball manipulator for Cameras |
CTranslateGizmo | A TranslateGizmo manipulates the translational part of a transformation |
CTreeItem | Base class for element of the tree representation |
CTreeModel | |
CVariableSetEditor | Simple Widget for RenderParameter editing The editor will expose a control panel containing all of the editable parameters from a RenderParameter set |
CViewer | |
CWindowQt | Base class for OpenGL widgets, compatble with Qt and globjects/glbindings |
▼NHeadless | |
CCLIBaseApplication | |
CCLIRadiumEngineApp | |
COpenGLContext | |
▼NIO | |
CAssimpAnimationDataLoader | |
CAssimpCameraDataLoader | |
CAssimpFileLoader | This class loads scenes containing MESHES only (not point-clouds) |
CAssimpGeometryDataLoader | |
CFileManager | |
COBJFileManager | |
COFFFileManager | |
CVolumeLoader | Loads density grid for volume data. This loader support 2 file formats for density grid data |
▼NPlugins | |
CContext | Data passed to the plugin constructor |
CRadiumPluginInterface | Interface class for Radiums plugins |
CFrameTimerData | This struct holds all timings for one frame of the engine |