Radium Engine  1.5.14
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Ra Namespace Reference

Radium Namespaces prefix. More...


namespace  Core
 This namespace contains everything "low level", related to data, datastuctures, and computation.
namespace  Engine
 This namespace contains engine and ECS related stuff.


struct  FrameTimerData
 This struct holds all timings for one frame of the engine. More...

Detailed Description

Radium Namespaces prefix.

Functions in this file are utilities to compute the distance between various geometric sets. They always return the squared distance.

This file contains utilities and wrapper to the standard library that didn't fit into any other category (see Containers)

This file provides portable inclusion of OpenGL headers. In addition it defines the following debug macros GL_ASSERT(x) : executes code x and, if in debug, asserts when an openGL error is detected. GL_CHECK_ERROR : queries the last openGL error in debug (no effect in release) glFlushError() : Ignores the previous openGL errors (no effect in release).