Radium Engine  1.5.0
3D objects (a.k.a. Meshes)

Geometry types

There is three kind of geometry representation included in radium source :

  1. Ra::Core::Geometry::*, which handles geometry data and connectivity as a indexed vertex array. Each vertex is a unique set of position, normal, and other attributes. If indexed, faces are defined with VectorXui, where X is 1 for point, 2 for lines, 3 for triangles, and N for polygons. See inheritance diagram of Ra::Core::Geometry::AbstractGeometry :
  2. Ra::Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh, which is an half-edge data structure. A converter allows to go back and forth to TriangleMesh without loss of data, but during the conversion, vertices with the same position represents the same topological point (and are hence merged). Soon deprecated: The other vertex attributes are stored on half-edges (to manage multiple normals per 3D positions for instance). New: The other vertex attributes are stored on wedges. Each half-edge has one wedge index. If multiple half-edge have the same set of attributes (including vertex position) they have the same wedge index at construction. See section wedges below.
  3. Ra::Engine::Data::*, which stores a Core Geometry to handle 3D data, and manages the rendering aspect of it (VAO, VBO, draw call). See inheritance diagram of Ra::Engine::Data::AttribArrayDisplayable

* : the starred classes are the one you want to instanciate, the other are more for code factoring or abstraction.

Colaboration between Core and Engine

A Core Geometry can be used on its own.

Engine Geometry must own a Core Geometry, either set at construction, or later with loadGeometry. The Core Geometry ownership is then transfered to the Engine Geometry, and can be accessed by reference with Ra::Engine::Data::Displayable::getAbstractGeometry or Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable::getCoreGeometry

Data consistency

As soon as a Core Geometry is owned by a Engine Geometry, each data update on the Core Geometry attribute trigger a observator method to mark the corresponding GPU data as dirty. On the next Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable::updateGL, the dirty data will be updated on the GPU.

Mesh creation

GeometryComponent is in charge of loading a GeometryData and create the corresponding Mesh.

The user can add on the fly new vertex attributes to a Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry An attribute is defined by a unique name (std::string) and then represented as a Ra::Core::Utils::AttribHandle. The type of the attribute is defined by the caller using the template parameter of the method Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry::addAttrib. To ensure consistency, it is strongly recommended to store the handle returned by the Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry::addAttrib method:

auto handle1 = m.addAttrib<Vector3>( "vector3_attrib" );

Attribute names in_position and in_normals are reserved. Note that handles to existing attributes can be retrieved by name (see Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry::getAttrib), however the caller have to provide the type of the associate attribute. There is no type check on this access, and we recommend not to use this. We keep this method for convenience in some specific cases such as copy of attributes, however note that it might be marked as deprecated at any time.

There is no (in the current version) data checking, and attributes are simple std::vectors added to the attribute manager. It's meant to be used as vector of data, such as vertices and normals, with the same size and accessed with the vertices indices. But please be aware no check nor allocation are done, so the allocation has to be performed on client side.

When copying a Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry or one of its descendent class, all its attributes are copied, unless it is done through Ra::Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometry::copyBaseGeometry, for which no attribute is copied. In order to copy some/all of the attributes, the dedicated methods must be used.

Attribute writes must be with "lock" to ensure data syncronisation. Utility methods are provided for position and normals :

Others attributes are written with :

For instance

using Ra::Core::Geometry::TriangleMesh;
TriangleMesh m;
TriangleMesh::PointAttribHandle::Container vertices;
TriangleMesh::NormalAttribHandle::Container normals;
TriangleMesh::IndexContainerType indices;
vertices.push_back( { 0, 0, 0 } );
vertices.push_back( { 1, 0, 0 } );
vertices.push_back( { 0, 2, 0 } );
normals.push_back( { 0, 0, 1 } );
normals.push_back( { 0, 0, 1 } );
normals.push_back( { 0, 0, 1 } );
m.setVertices( std::move( vertices ) );
m.setNormals( std::move( normals ) );
m.setIndices( { { 0, 1, 2 } } );
auto handle1 = m.addAttrib<Vector3>( "vector3_attrib" );
auto& attrib1 = m.getAttrib( handle1 );
auto& buf = attrib1.getDataWithLock();
buf.reserve( 3 );
buf.push_back( { 1, 1, 1 } );
buf.push_back( { 2, 2, 2 } );
buf.push_back( { 3, 3, 3 } );
auto handle2 = m.addAttrib<float>( "float_attrib" );
auto& attrib2 = m.getAttrib( handle2 );
attrib2.setData( { 1.f, 2.f, 3.f } );
TriangleMesh m2;
m2.copyBaseGeometry( m );
m2.copyAttributes( m, handle1 );

Other examples are provided in DrawPrimitives.cpp


Wedge are built at construction by using CoreMesh vertex index (which are supposed to represent wedges). Vertices with same (exact) position are merged topologically.

The figure above show the basic concept of wedges for the example of vertex with color attribute (same works for normals, texture coordinates or any other attributes). a) A colored mesh, each vertex can have a different color depending on which face is considered. b) for rendering, vertex are duplicated the needed number of time. Here the center vertex is duplicated three time, while the top right one is duplicated two times. c) But for topological computation, one need to know these vertex are actually the same position, and are modified the same way. d) So the attributes (here color only) are represented as wedges associated with each coherent set of position+attributes. Here the center vertex has three wedges, while the top right vertex has two wedges. e) In the TopologicalMesh implementation, wedges are stored in an array, independently of the topology. Each half-edge has a wedge index. Half-edges that share the same wedge have the same index. During manipulation, if two wedges become the same (i.e. for the example on the figure, if we recolor the whole mesh using a single color), they are not merged. To merge wedges an explicit call to TopologicalMesh::mergeEqualWedges is needed. When a wedge is not referenced anymore (because referencing halfedges have been deleted), it is marked for deletation. When one call Ra::Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh::garbage_collection(), the marked wedges are eventually deleted and halfedges index are updated accordingly.

During conversion from Core::Geometry::*Mesh to Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh, non manifold mesh faces are not added but given to an optionally provided user defined functor (see Ra::Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh::TopologicalMesh and Ra::Core::Geometry::DefaultNonManifoldFaceCommand). Some meshes have multiple times the same vertices with different values for attributes inside a single face. This kind of situation can either raise degenerated faces, (in case of triangle mesh) or valid faces for some cases for polymesh.

will be supported when TopologicalMesh will support PolyMesh.

In the latter case, the face is cleaned from the duplicated position and added to the TopologicalMesh, using the first encountered wedge value. The following figure illustrate this.

TopologicalMesh methods and types related to wedges:

To delete face, one need to call Ra::Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh::delete_face, not the OpenMesh vanilla delete_face
make OpenMesh inheritance private.

Use Ra::Core::Geometry::TopologicalMesh::collapseWedge to perform halfedge collapse (works on triangle only ...). The following figure show the nasty updates: