Radium Engine
- Member Ra::Core::Quadric< _DIM >::compute (const Vector &n, double ndotp)
- Use constructor instead
- Member Ra::Engine::RadiumEngine::getMesh (const std::string &entityName, const std::string &componentName, const std::string &roName=std::string()) const
- Will be removed from this class in the next release. A Mesh manager, that could serve mesh by name will be implemented.
- Class Ra::IO::FileManager< DATA, Binary >
- see https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Engine/issues/362
- Class Ra::IO::OBJFileManager
- see https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Engine/issues/362
- Class Ra::IO::OFFFileManager
- see https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Engine/issues/362