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Radium Engine
The Radium Engine provides a set of classes dedicated to animation, which can be found in Core/Animation
In Radium, the animation of any data can be done through the Ra::Core::Animation::KeyFramedValue
template. It stores the data keyframes, i.e. time-value couples, which are interpolated when the value for a given time is requested.
There are two ways data can be animated using Ra::Core::Animation::KeyFramedValue
. In this case, particular values at specific times can be specified to create the animation keyframes, and then used when requested: Ra::Core::Animation::KeyFramedValue
but one wants to animate it. In this case, one must use the Ra::Core::Animation::KeyFramedValueController
to animate the data: In order to animate a digital character, one may choose from two main animation techniques:
In both cases, the character's mesh is bound to the handles (skeleton joints or cage points) through a set of skinning weights. During the animation, the handles transformations are first updated with respect to the animation pose, then the mesh is deformed by combining the handles transformations through the skinnning weights.
The Radium Engine provides the basic classes for character animation.
Starting from a Ra::Core::Animation::HandleArray
, which represents a deformation metaphor, such as Ra::Core::Animation::Cage
or Ra::Core::Animation::Skeleton
, one must associate influence weights to each vertex of a mesh within a Ra::Core::Animation::WeightMatrix
(rows representing vertices, columns handles). These influence weights, or skinning weights, are then used by a skinning algorithm to deform the associated mesh vertices w.r.t. the handles deformation defined by the animation pose. The mesh is also linked to each handle through a bindMatrix
that expresses the transformation from the mesh's local frame to the handle's local frame.
In the case of character animation, an animation is a set of Ra::Core::Animation::KeyFramedValue<Ra::Core::Transform>
, one for each joint, which are interpolated by default as follows:
Animations are stored in local space, i.e. each handle transformation is expressed in the handle's frame (transformation from bone's parent for skeleton bones, position in cage's frame for cage points).
Hence, in order to deform the character's mesh, one must first use the handle's bindMatrix
to express the mesh vertices position into the handles' local space before combining the handles local transformations to deform the mesh vertices.
Note: As of now, cage-based character animation is not implemented in the Radium Engine.
The Radium Engine provides a system specific to the skeleton-based animation of a character, the `Ra::Engine::Scene::SkeletonBasedAnimationSystem. This system is responsible for transmitting calls to/from animation-related processes to 2 specificRa::Engine::Scene::Component
, which manages user interactions with the animation skeleton, enabling posing the character and playing the animations;Ra::Engine::Scene::SkinningComponent
, which is responsible for deforming the object's mesh vertices according to the desired skinning method.The Radium Engine provides 4 skinning methods: Linear-Blend Skinning, Dual-Quaternion Skinning and Center-Of-Rotation Skinning.
The Radium Engine also provides a user interface for Skeleton-based character animation parameters: the Ra::Gui::SkeletonBasedAnimationUI
, which allows the user to edit animations, running parameters, skeleton display, skinning parameters and skinning weights display.
In order to import animation related data into Radium, the default loader would be the Ra::IO::AssimpLoader
, which deals with several standard animation formats (fbx, collada, ...). In case one need to develop his own loader because using a file format not managed by the Assimp library, the Radium Engine provides a set of classes in Core/Asset
defining data wrappers filled by loaders (see the specific documentation – which does not exist for now). For now, Ra::Core::Asset::FileLoaderInterface
s in the Radium Engine produce only one Ra::Core::Asset::FileData
per loaded file.
Regarding character animation data, there are a few things to do in order to ensure correct import by the animation and skinning plugins:
must contain exactly one Ra::Core::Asset::HandleData
per animated object, as much Ra::Core::Asset::AnimationData
as needed per animated object and may contain several or no Ra::Core::Asset::GeometryData
. Note: for objects composed of several mesh parts, these must be referred by their name when filling the Ra::Core::Asset::HandleData
, as well as the skinning weights. The bone hierarchy will be defined by the Ra::Core::Asset::EdgeData
. Each bone will be represented by a Ra::Core::Asset::HandleComponentData
, storing the bone's name, transform in model space and its per-skinned mesh offset matrix and vertex skinning weights. The offset matrix stores the transformation from mesh space to the node's local space.Ra::Core::Asset::AnimationData
. The whole animation must be stored bone-wise in Ra::Core::Asset::HandleAnimation
s, whose name must match the bone's.