Radium Engine  1.5.0
[deprecated] Component Messenger
check and update

This class is used to make componenent share data between each others. The whole system is based on callbacks registered from both parts to publish, suscribe or both to a data.


The suscriber must define and register some ComponentMessenger::CallbackTypes<T>::Setter that will be used by the ComponentMessenger to set the data to the former.

// definition of callback
ComponentMessenger::CallbackTypes<T>::Setter data_in = std::bind( &FooComponent::setDataIn, this, std::placeholders::_1 );

// registration
ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->registerInput<T>( entity, this, "name", data_in );

// fetch
if (ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->canGet<T>( entity, "name") )
    data = ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->get<T>( entity, "name");


// definition of callback
ComponentMessenger::CallbackTypes<T>::Getter data_out = std::bind( &FooComponent::getDataOut, this );

// registration
ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->registerOutput<T>( entity, this, "name", data_out );

The publisher will define and register a ComponentMessenger::CallbackTypes<T>::Getter that will be used by the ComponentMessenger to fetch data from the former.


// definition of callback
ComponentMessenger::CallbackTypes<T>::ReadWrite data_rw = std::bind( &FooComponent::getDataRw, this );

// registration
ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->registerReadWrite<T>( entity, this, "name", data_rw );

// fetch
if (ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->canRw<T>( entity, "name"))
    T& data = ComponentMessenger::getInstance()->rw<T>( entity, "name" );

Here a pointer of the data is basically shared and everyone has only to do:

The <tt>setupIO()</tt> function

A convention is to use the setupIO() function to interact with the messenger.