Radium Engine  1.5.0
Ra::Engine::Data::LineMesh Class Reference

LineMesh, own a Core::Geometry::LineMesh. More...

#include <Engine/Data/Mesh.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ra::Engine::Data::LineMesh:
+ Collaboration diagram for Ra::Engine::Data::LineMesh:

Public Member Functions

 LineMesh (const std::string &name, typename base::CoreGeometry &&geom, typename base::MeshRenderMode renderMode=base::MeshRenderMode::RM_LINES)
 LineMesh (const std::string &name, typename base::MeshRenderMode renderMode=base::MeshRenderMode::RM_LINES)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::IndexedGeometry< Core::Geometry::LineMesh >
 IndexedGeometry (const std::string &name, typename base::CoreGeometry &&geom, typename base::MeshRenderMode renderMode=base::MeshRenderMode::RM_TRIANGLES)
void render (const ShaderProgram *prog) override
void loadGeometry (Core::Geometry::LineMesh &&mesh) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable< T >
 CoreGeometryDisplayable (const std::string &name, MeshRenderMode renderMode=RM_TRIANGLES)
template<typename A >
Ra::Core::Utils::AttribHandle< A > addAttrib (const std::string &name, const typename Core::VectorArray< A > &data)
 Helper function that calls Ra::Core::CoreGeometry::addAttrib()
size_t getNumVertices () const override
void updateGL () override
 Update (i.e. send to GPU) the buffers marked as dirty.
void setAttribNameCorrespondance (const std::string &meshAttribName, const std::string &shaderAttribName)
const Core::Geometry::AbstractGeometrygetAbstractGeometry () const override
Core::Geometry::AbstractGeometrygetAbstractGeometry () override
const Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometrygetAttribArrayGeometry () const override
Core::Geometry::AttribArrayGeometrygetAttribArrayGeometry () override
const CoreGeometry & getCoreGeometry () const
CoreGeometry & getCoreGeometry ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::AttribArrayDisplayable
 AttribArrayDisplayable (const std::string &name, MeshRenderMode renderMode=RM_TRIANGLES)
 AttribArrayDisplayable (const AttribArrayDisplayable &rhs)=delete
void operator= (const AttribArrayDisplayable &rhs)=delete
void setRenderMode (MeshRenderMode mode)
 Set the render mode.
MeshRenderMode getRenderMode () const
 Get the render mode.
Ra::Core::Utils::optional< gl::GLuint > getVboHandle (const std::string &name)
 Get opengl's vbo handle (uint) corresponding to attrib name. More...
Ra::Core::Utils::optional< gl::GLuint > getVaoHandle ()
 Get opengl's vao handle (uint). More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the mesh.
void setDirty (const Core::Geometry::MeshAttrib &type)
void setDirty (const std::string &name)
void setDirty (unsigned int index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::Displayable
 Displayable (const std::string &name)
 Displayable (const Displayable &rhs)=delete
void operator= (const Displayable &rhs)=delete
PickingRenderMode pickingRenderMode () const
 Returns the picking rendermode advised by the object (default PickingRenderMode::NO_PICKING)
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the mesh.
virtual size_t getNumFaces () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::VaoIndices
void setIndicesDirty ()
 Tag the indices as dirty, asking for a update to gpu.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::IndexedGeometry< Core::Geometry::LineMesh >
using base = CoreGeometryDisplayable< Core::Geometry::LineMesh >
- Public Types inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable< T >
using base = AttribArrayDisplayable
using CoreGeometry = T
- Public Types inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::AttribArrayDisplayable
enum  MeshRenderMode : uint {
  RM_POINTS = 0x0000 , RM_LINES = 0x0001 , RM_LINE_LOOP = 0x0002 , RM_LINE_STRIP = 0x0003 ,
  RM_TRIANGLES = 0x0004 , RM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005 , RM_TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0006 , RM_QUADS = 0x0007 ,
- Public Types inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::Displayable
enum  PickingRenderMode {
  PKM_POINTS = 0 , PKM_LINES = 1 , PKM_LINE_ADJ = 2 , PKM_TRI = 3 ,
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::IndexedGeometry< Core::Geometry::LineMesh >
void updateGL_specific_impl () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable< T >
void loadGeometry_common (CoreGeometry &&mesh)
void setupCoreMeshObservers ()
void autoVertexAttribPointer (const ShaderProgram *prog)
 assume m_vao is bound.
void addAttribObserver (const std::string &name)
void addToTranslationTable (const std::string &name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::AttribArrayDisplayable
void updatePickingRenderMode ()
 Update the picking render mode according to the object render mode.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::CoreGeometryDisplayable< T >
BijectiveAssociation< std::string, std::string > m_translationTable {}
CoreGeometry m_mesh
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::AttribArrayDisplayable
std::unique_ptr< globjects::VertexArray > m_vao
MeshRenderMode m_renderMode { MeshRenderMode::RM_TRIANGLES }
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< globjects::Buffer > > m_vbos
std::vector< bool > m_dataDirty
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > m_handleToBuffer
bool m_isDirty { false }
 General dirty bit of the mesh. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::Displayable
PickingRenderMode m_pickingRenderMode { NO_PICKING }
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ra::Engine::Data::VaoIndices
std::unique_ptr< globjects::Buffer > m_indices { nullptr }
bool m_indicesDirty { true }
size_t m_numElements { 0 }

Detailed Description

LineMesh, own a Core::Geometry::LineMesh.

Definition at line 394 of file Mesh.hpp.

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