Radium Engine  1.5.0
1 #include <IO/AssimpLoader/AssimpCameraDataLoader.hpp>
3 #include <assimp/scene.h>
5 #include <Core/Asset/Camera.hpp>
6 #include <Core/Utils/Log.hpp>
8 #include <IO/AssimpLoader/AssimpWrapper.hpp>
10 namespace Ra {
11 namespace IO {
13 using namespace Core::Utils; // log
14 using namespace Core::Asset; // log
16 AssimpCameraDataLoader::AssimpCameraDataLoader( const bool VERBOSE_MODE ) :
17  DataLoader<Camera>( VERBOSE_MODE ) {}
19 AssimpCameraDataLoader::~AssimpCameraDataLoader() = default;
21 void AssimpCameraDataLoader::loadData( const aiScene* scene,
22  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Camera>>& data ) {
23  data.clear();
25  if ( scene == nullptr ) {
26  LOG( logDEBUG ) << "AssimpCameraDataLoader : scene is nullptr.";
27  return;
28  }
30  if ( !sceneHasCamera( scene ) ) {
31  LOG( logDEBUG ) << "AssimpCameraDataLoader : scene has no Cameras.";
32  return;
33  }
35  if ( m_verbose ) {
36  LOG( logINFO ) << "File contains Camera.";
37  LOG( logINFO ) << "Camera Loading begin...";
38  }
40  uint CameraSize = sceneCameraSize( scene );
41  data.reserve( CameraSize );
42  for ( uint CameraId = 0; CameraId < CameraSize; ++CameraId ) {
43  Camera* camera = new Camera();
44  loadCameraData( scene, *( scene->mCameras[CameraId] ), *camera );
46  data.push_back( std::unique_ptr<Camera>( camera ) );
47  }
49  if ( m_verbose ) { LOG( logINFO ) << "Camera Loading end.\n"; }
50 }
52 bool AssimpCameraDataLoader::sceneHasCamera( const aiScene* scene ) const {
53  return ( scene->HasCameras() );
54 }
56 uint AssimpCameraDataLoader::sceneCameraSize( const aiScene* scene ) const {
57  return scene->mNumCameras;
58 }
60 void AssimpCameraDataLoader::loadCameraData( const aiScene* scene,
61  const aiCamera& camera,
62  Camera& data ) {
63  Core::Matrix4 rootMatrix;
64  rootMatrix = Core::Matrix4::Identity();
65  Core::Matrix4 frame = loadCameraFrame( scene, rootMatrix, camera );
66  Core::Vector3 pos = assimpToCore( camera.mPosition );
67  Core::Vector3 lookAt = -assimpToCore( camera.mLookAt ).normalized();
68  Core::Vector3 up = assimpToCore( camera.mUp ).normalized();
69  Core::Vector3 right = lookAt.cross( up );
70  Core::Matrix4 view;
72  // make frame a normal frame change (consider it's already ortho ...)
73  frame.block( 0, 0, 3, 1 ).normalize();
74  frame.block( 0, 1, 3, 1 ).normalize();
75  frame.block( 0, 2, 3, 1 ).normalize();
77  view.block<3, 1>( 0, 0 ) = right;
78  view.block<3, 1>( 0, 1 ) = up;
79  view.block<3, 1>( 0, 2 ) = lookAt;
80  view.block<3, 1>( 0, 3 ) = pos;
81  view.block<1, 3>( 0, 0 ) *= -1_ra;
82  data.setFrame( Core::Transform { view * frame } );
84  data.setType( Camera::ProjType::PERSPECTIVE ); // default value since not in aiCamera
85  // assimp doc (the version we used, updated in assimp master) state mHorizontalFOV is half
86  // angle, but it is not, at least for collada, see https://github.com/assimp/assimp/issues/2256
87  // https://github.com/assimp/assimp/pull/3912
88  data.setFOV( camera.mHorizontalFOV );
89  data.setZNear( camera.mClipPlaneNear );
90  data.setZFar( camera.mClipPlaneFar );
91  data.setZoomFactor( 1.0 ); // default value since not in aiCamera
92  data.setViewport( camera.mAspect, 1_ra );
93 }
95 Core::Matrix4 AssimpCameraDataLoader::loadCameraFrame( const aiScene* scene,
96  const Core::Matrix4&,
97  const aiCamera& cameraNode ) const {
98  aiNode* node = scene->mRootNode->FindNode( cameraNode.mName );
99  Core::Matrix4 frame;
100  frame.setIdentity();
101  while ( node != nullptr ) {
102  frame = Core::Matrix4::NullaryExpr(
103  [&node]( int i, int j ) { return node->mTransformation[i][j]; } ) *
104  frame;
105  node = node->mParent;
106  }
107  return frame;
108 }
110 } // namespace IO
111 } // namespace Ra
Camera class storing the Camera frame and the projection properties The view direction is -z in camer...
Definition: Camera.hpp:16
void setViewport(Scalar width, Scalar height)
Change the viewport size. Also compute aspectRatio.
Definition: Camera.cpp:50
void setZNear(Scalar zNear)
Set the Z Near plane distance to zNear.
Definition: Camera.hpp:288
void setZFar(Scalar zFar)
Set the Z Far plane distance to zFar.
Definition: Camera.hpp:297
void setZoomFactor(const Scalar &zoomFactor)
Set the zoom factor to zoomFactor.
Definition: Camera.hpp:306
void setType(const ProjType &projectionType)
Set the projection type to projectionType.
Definition: Camera.hpp:327
void setFrame(const Core::Transform &frame)
Set the frame of the camera to frame.
Definition: Camera.hpp:240
void setFOV(Scalar fov)
Definition: Camera.hpp:276
Definition: Cage.cpp:3