Radium Engine  1.5.0
Ra::Core::Asset::Camera Class Reference

Camera class storing the Camera frame and the projection properties The view direction is -z in camera space. More...

#include <Core/Asset/Camera.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for Ra::Core::Asset::Camera:

Public Types

enum class  ProjType { ORTHOGRAPHIC , PERSPECTIVE }
 Define the projection type.

Public Member Functions

 Camera (Scalar height=1_ra, Scalar width=1_ra)
Cameraoperator= (const Camera &rhs)
Core::Transform getFrame () const
void setFrame (const Core::Transform &frame)
 Set the frame of the camera to frame.
Core::Vector3 getPosition () const
 Return the position.
void setPosition (const Core::Vector3 &position)
 Set the position of the camera to position.
Core::Vector3 getDirection () const
 Return the direction the camera is looking at.
void setDirection (const Core::Vector3 &direction)
Core::Vector3 getUpVector () const
 Return the up vector.
void setUpVector (const Core::Vector3 &upVector)
Core::Vector3 getRightVector () const
Core::Ray getRayFromScreen (const Core::Vector2 &pix) const
Core::Vector3 projectToScreen (const Core::Vector3 &p) const
 Return the screen coordinates + depth of the given point p (in world coordinates).
Core::Vector3 projectToNDC (const Core::Vector3 &p) const
 Return NDC cordinate in the view NDC cube \( [-1,1]^3 \).
Core::Vector3 unProjectFromScreen (const Core::Vector2 &pix) const
Core::Vector3 unProjectFromScreen (const Core::Vector3 &pix) const
Core::Vector3 unProjectFromNDC (const Core::Vector3 &pix) const
 Return the 3D point in world space corresponding to NDC cube \( [-1,1]^3 \) point pix.
ProjType getType () const
 Return the projection type.
void setType (const ProjType &projectionType)
 Set the projection type to projectionType.
Scalar getZoomFactor () const
 Return the zoom factor.
void setZoomFactor (const Scalar &zoomFactor)
 Set the zoom factor to zoomFactor.
Scalar getFOV () const
void setFOV (Scalar fov)
Scalar getMinZNear () const
Scalar getMinZRange () const
Core::Matrix4 getProjMatrix () const
 Return the projection matrix.
Core::Matrix4 getViewMatrix () const
void updateProjMatrix ()
 Update the projection matrix according to the current parameters.
void setProjMatrix (Core::Matrix4 projMatrix)
Scalar getZNear () const
 Return the Z Near plane distance from the camera.
void setZNear (Scalar zNear)
 Set the Z Near plane distance to zNear.
Scalar getZFar () const
 Return the Z Far plane distance from the camera.
void setZFar (Scalar zFar)
 Set the Z Far plane distance to zFar.
Scalar getWidth () const
 Return the width of the viewport.
Scalar getHeight () const
 Return the height of the viewport.
Scalar getAspect () const
 Return the aspect ratio of the viewport.
void setXYmag (Scalar xmag, Scalar ymag)
 Set xmag and ymag for orthographic camera.
std::pair< Scalar, Scalar > getXYmag () const
 Get xmag and ymag for orthographic camera.
void setViewport (Scalar width, Scalar height)
 Change the viewport size. Also compute aspectRatio.
void applyTransform (const Core::Transform &T)
void fitZRange (const Core::Aabb &aabb)
 Fit the Z-range of the camera to the scene's aabb. This will maximize z-buffer precision.

Static Public Member Functions

static Core::Matrix4 perspective (Scalar a, Scalar y, Scalar n, Scalar f)
static Core::Matrix4 frustum (Scalar l, Scalar r, Scalar b, Scalar t, Scalar n, Scalar f)
 Build a projection matrix from the parameters of the view volume. More...
static Core::Matrix4 ortho (Scalar l, Scalar r, Scalar b, Scalar t, Scalar n, Scalar f)
 Build a projection matrix from the parameters of the view volume Implements the algorithms described here https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/perspective-and-orthographic-projection-matrix/orthographic-projection-matrix https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl2.1/xhtml/glOrtho.xml adapted to our representation of camera. More...

Public Attributes

const Scalar m_minZNear { 0.01_ra }
const Scalar m_minZRange { 0.01_ra }

Detailed Description

Camera class storing the Camera frame and the projection properties The view direction is -z in camera space.

Both orthonormal and non-orthonormal frames are supported. However, in the current implementation suspect a bug in fitZRange which does not behave as expected for non-orthogonal frames..

Definition at line 15 of file Camera.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ frustum()

Core::Matrix4 Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::frustum ( Scalar  l,
Scalar  r,
Scalar  b,
Scalar  t,
Scalar  n,
Scalar  f 

Build a projection matrix from the parameters of the view volume.

See also
perspective() Implements the algorithm described here https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/perspective-and-orthographic-projection-matrix/opengl-perspective-projection-matrix https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl2.1/xhtml/glOrtho.xml adapted to our representation of camera
l: left
r: right
b: bottom
t: top
n: z near
f: z far

Definition at line 98 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ getFOV()

Scalar Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::getFOV ( ) const

Return the horizontal Field Of View.

Meaningless for orthogonal projection.

Definition at line 272 of file Camera.hpp.

◆ getFrame()

Core::Transform Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::getFrame ( ) const

Return the frame of the camera. Where Y is the up vector and -Z is the direction vector.

Definition at line 236 of file Camera.hpp.

◆ getRayFromScreen()

Core::Ray Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::getRayFromScreen ( const Core::Vector2 &  pix) const

Return a ray emanating from the camera, passing by the point given by screen coordinates x and y.

Definition at line 178 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ ortho()

Core::Matrix4 Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::ortho ( Scalar  l,
Scalar  r,
Scalar  b,
Scalar  t,
Scalar  n,
Scalar  f 

Build a projection matrix from the parameters of the view volume Implements the algorithms described here https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/perspective-and-orthographic-projection-matrix/orthographic-projection-matrix https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl2.1/xhtml/glOrtho.xml adapted to our representation of camera.

l: left
r: right
b: bottom
t: top
n: z near
f: z far

Definition at line 116 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ perspective()

Core::Matrix4 Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::perspective ( Scalar  a,
Scalar  y,
Scalar  n,
Scalar  f 

Compute a project projection matrix as describe here https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#cameras adapted to horizontal fov equivalent to scale = tan(m_fov*.5)*m_zNear frustum(-n*tan(f/2), n*tan(f/2), -n*tan(f/2)/aspect, n*tan(f/2)/aspect, n, f);

a: aspect ratio as width/height, i.e. getAspect()
y: fov in the horizontal direction, i.e. getFOV()
n: z near, i.e. getZNear()
f: z far, i.e. getZFar()

Definition at line 84 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ setDirection()

void Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::setDirection ( const Core::Vector3 &  direction)

Set the direction of the camera to direction. The other vectors will be rotated accordingly.

Definition at line 32 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ setFOV()

void Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::setFOV ( Scalar  fov)

Set the Field Of View to 'fov' in the x (horizontal) direction. If you have an vertical field of view, you can convert it to horizontal as Scalar fovx = 2_ra*std::atan( radiumCam->getAspect() * std::tan( cam.yfov / 2_ra ) );

Meaningless for orthogonal projection.
Trigger a rebuild of the projection matrix.

Definition at line 276 of file Camera.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setProjMatrix()

void Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::setProjMatrix ( Core::Matrix4  projMatrix)

set projection to projMatrix.

See also
perspective(), ortho().

Definition at line 347 of file Camera.hpp.

◆ setUpVector()

void Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::setUpVector ( const Core::Vector3 &  upVector)

Set the up vector of the camera to upVector. The other vectors will be rotated accordingly.

Definition at line 262 of file Camera.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unProjectFromScreen() [1/2]

Core::Vector3 Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::unProjectFromScreen ( const Core::Vector2 &  pix) const

Return the 3D point in world space corresponding to screen coordinates pix. pix.x() and pix.y() are in pixel coordinates \( \in [0, getWidth()] \times [0, getHeight()] \). The returned point lies on z near plane.

Definition at line 198 of file Camera.cpp.

◆ unProjectFromScreen() [2/2]

Core::Vector3 Ra::Core::Asset::Camera::unProjectFromScreen ( const Core::Vector3 &  pix) const

Return the 3D point in world space corresponding to screen pixels pix.x(), pix.y(), at depth pix.z() x and y are in pixel coordinates (from (0,0) to width,height, z is in 0, 1 (0 near, 1 far plane)

Definition at line 202 of file Camera.cpp.

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