Extending the library

Add your own matcher class

OpenGR provides a generic base class gr::MatchBase defining the interface for registration algorithms. Assuming you want to add a new registration algorithm, and depending on the genericity you want to provide to the users, you can consider three different scenarios, from the simplest to the most advanced. Scenario 2 is probably describing the most usual case.

1. Simple extension without genericity constraint or custom option

In order to write your own registration algorithm, you need to inherit gr::MatchBase, and implement the initialization and processing methods:

namespace gr {
template <typename _TransformVisitor >
class MatchTestSimple : public gr::MatchBase<_TransformVisitor> {
using MatchBaseType = gr::MatchBase<_TransformVisitor>;
using OptionsType = typename MatchBaseType::OptionsType;
using Scalar = typename MatchBaseType::Scalar;
using MatrixType = typename MatchBaseType::MatrixType;
MatchTestSimple (const OptionsType& options, const gr::Utils::Logger& logger)
:MatchBaseType(options, logger) { }
// Initializes the data structures and needed values before the match computation.
// This method is called once the internal state of the Base class as been set.
void Initialize(const std::vector<Point3D>& P,
const std::vector<Point3D>& Q) override { /* ... */}
// Computes an approximation of the best LCP (directional) from Q to P
// and the rigid transformation that realizes it.
// See gr::MatchBase::ComputeTransformation for more details
Scalar ComputeTransformation(const std::vector<Point3D>& P,
std::vector<Point3D>* Q,
Eigen::Ref<MatrixType> transformation,
const Sampler& sampler,
_TransformVisitor& v) override { return 0; }

2. Simple extension with custom options

gr::MatchBase holds a protected field OptionsType options_; that is used to specify parameters sets to the algorithms. In case your algorithm needs to be configured by some parameter values, OptionsType needs to be extended with your own parameter set.

Suppose that MatchTestSimple needs two parameters value and point. First, you need to declare these parameters in a structure:

namespace gr {
template < class Derived, class TBase>
struct MatchTestSimpleOptions : TBase
typename TBase::Scalar value;
typename gr::Point3D point;

Then, you need to extend OptionsType with MatchTestSimpleOptions. Technically, OptionsType is defined as an aggregate () between gr::MatchBase::Options and any other custom extensions passed as template parameter. This is automatically done by inhering gr::MatchBase as follow:

namespace gr {
template <typename _TransformVisitor>
class MatchTestSimple : public gr::MatchBase<_TransformVisitor, MatchTestSimpleOptions> { /* ... */ };

Then, the parameter values can be accessed as options_.value and options_.point in MatchTestSimple.

3. Generic new matcher type

In case you plan to add a new type of matcher with several implementations, you might need to provide a fully transparent propagation mechanism for the algorithm variants options. The mechanism presented in this section is exactly the one we used to implement gr::CongruentSetExplorationBase, which is inherited by gr::Match3pcs and gr::Match4pcsBase.

template <typename _TransformVisitor,
template < class, class > typename ... OptExts >
class MyCustomMatcherBase : public gr::MatchBase<_TransformVisitor , OptExts ... , MyCustomBaseOptions> { /* ... */ };

and one of its child classes implementing the variants

namespace gr {
template <typename _TransformVisitor >
class Variant1 : public MyCustomMatcherBase<_TransformVisitor, Variant1Options> { /* ... */ };

Add your own point filter

The generic matcher type gr::CongruentSetExplorationBase allows filtering pair of points during exploration, which is done with point filters that are attachable while instantiation of matcher class, effective at inherited gr::Match3pcs and gr::Match4pcsBase types. If you plan to use your filtering logic considering the features of your point samples, you could implement gr::PairFilterConcept and attach it to your preferred matcher of descendent type of gr::CongruentSetExplorationBase while type instantiation.

OpenGR provides gr::AdaptivePointFilter, an implementation of gr::PairFilterConcept, which is a point filter that filters pairs of points using their normal, color and max motion features when available. For using arbitrary attributes of your point type in your point filter, check Using Your Point Type page.