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Radium Engine
contains the main source code of the engine libsCore
: the Core module (dynamic library) contains the foundation classes such as math classes, containers, adapters to the standard library, etc.Engine
the Engine module (dynamic library) contains all graphics related code and engine subsystems running.Gui
has the Qt-based GUI classes.Plugins
contains the plugins which add Systems and Components to the engine.Shaders
contains the OpenGL Shaders used by the renderer.Applications
contains applications build with the engine. Currently it contains a minimal example application and the full-fledged main-app
contains any library dependency. CMake will automatically look in this folder to find the libraries if they are not installed on your system.Core and Engine (and the plugins) are compiled as dynamic libraries, therefore you must be careful about which symbols need exporting, especially on Windows. Every module has a specific header file (RaCore.hpp
for Core) which must be included first in all other headers of the module. In particular it defines the *_API
macros which help exporting and importing symbols on Windows.
contains most of the basic code on which the rest of the software is built.
has definitions of basic types, build configuration and useful macros.Math
is our math library, which is a wrapper around Eigen. The most useful files are Math.hpp
which has mathematical constants and simple functions, and LinearAlgebra.hpp
which contains the type definitions of most basic vector and matrix types.Containers
has some specially useful std-like containers, most importantly VectorArray.hpp
which defines a dynamic array of vectors with both astd::vector
-like interface and compatibility with Eigen.Mesh
contains our basic mesh geometry primitives, including the representation of a simple triangle mesh and many functions to operate on geometry.String
contains utilities extending std::string
is a wrapper around the header-only EasyLogger library which allows us to log various events.Time
contains utilities around std::chrono
for precise timings.Tasks
contains the definition for the basic Tasks system and the task queue.Utils
contains generic utilities such as a Singleton template.Entities are the base object manipulated by the engine. You can think of them as "game objects", something that represent an object in the scene. Entity data include a world space to object space transform and a list of Components
The entity's role is only to hold together this transform and the list of components. The entity uses double buffering to prevent transforms from being updated more than once per frame.
When creating an entity, if you set its transform, do not forget to call Entity::swapTransformBuffers
, this might prevent you some headache. Example :
Each Component represent an aspect of an Entity to a particular engine subsystem. For example, an animated character may have a skeleton(animation component), a high-resolution mesh (display component) and simplified convex shape for collision detection (physics component).
Each Component is related to a System. The Engine loads several Systems (statically or from a plugin) and they keep the Components of all Entities in the scene updated.
For example, an Entity may have a Physics Component (which represent its collision shape), and the engine's corresponding Physics System will update its position according to the physics engine's result.
At each frame, the main loop first starts the renderer, then each System is given the opportunity to add Tasks to the task queue. Tasks are processed in parallel during every frame. They can have dependencies between them (e.g. the physics update can wait for the animation update to complete).
A Task must implement the interface Core::Task
which defines a process()
function which will be called when the task is executed. However for most cases, it is usually convenient to use a FunctionTask
which takes an instance of std::function
(which will be called by the process()
method). Calling an object's member function in a task is thus easily achieved by using std::bind()
to create the function object.
When a task is added, the task queue assumes ownership of the task and returns a TaskID
which identifies the task.
Dependencies between tasks can be specified either as immediate dependencies or pending dependencies. Immediate dependencies are dependencies between tasks which are already present in the task queue. Adding a dependency with TaskkQueue::addDependency()
takes two arguments, the predecessor and the successor task, and the task queue will ensure that the successor task must be executed after all its predecessors have finished. In addDependency()
, tasks can be identified with either a TaskID
or a name; at least one of the arguments must be a TaskID
. If a name is given, all tasks matching with the name will be added as dependencies.
Since the order in which the systems are called is unspecified, a system may want to add a dependency to a task that is not yet present. Pending dependencies solve this problem by specifying a dependency between a TaskID
and a name (which may not be present in the task queue). Pending dependencies are resolved just before the task queue starts executing all tasks.
Each Component may have some RenderObjects (aka Drawable) which are (usually) OpenGL objects. When a Component has changed it needs to tell its drawable to update their internal data (such as OpenGL VBOs). Render objects are stored together by the render object manager for efficiency, thus components only store an index to reference their render objects.
The Render Objects are drawn by the Renderer which may live in a separated thread. Each frame it grabs all the drawable (which should be double-buffered in case we are mid-VBO update) and calls draw()
on them.
(TODO : a nice class schema).
The structure ItemEntry
acts as a general identifier for all three levels of engine objects (entities, components and render objects) by storing a handle to the three objects (a pointer or an index for render objects). An entry representing an entity will have its entity handle set and the other two invalid; an entry representing a component will have the component handle set and the entity handle set to the entity owning the component. Similarly a render object entry will have all three handles sets . Any other combination is invalid.
Item entries are mainly used to harmonize the interface to manipulate objects in the GUI.
Components have an interface through which transforms can be edited with three functions :
Each of these functions takes a render object index as argument, as sometimes a component exposes multiple objects whose transform can be edited. Function canEdit()
tells whether a given idnex can be used as a handle for the other two functions.
One Entity is always created when the engine starts, called the System Entity. Implemented as a singleton, this entity acts as a special object that the engine can use internally to display elements not related to any other Entity. The System Entity is fixed to the world and cannot be moved.
In particular it is expected that UI elements (e.g. Gizmos) should be attached to the UI component. The Debug Component is useful to display debug primitives which can be useful for graphic debugging. A series of macros RA_DISPLAY_...
are defined to conveniently add basic display objects such as points, vectors, lines or 3D frames from anywhere in the code. A compile-time switch (RA_DISABLE_DEBUG_DISPLAY
) can be activated to disable this feature.
Entities and components have been designed so that the engine is modular in terms of features. It is expected that most interesting works will be done by Systems defined in Plugins. Each plugin can define its System (and the corresponding Components).
We use a compile-time plugins loading mechanism. When running cmake
, it will list the contents of the src/Plugins/
directory and add them to be compiled with the project, and automatically generate the code to include the plugins Systems in the main application.
For this automated build to work the plugins are required to follow these requirements
, thennamespace BaseNamePlugin
(its full path should be src/Plugins/Basename/BasenameSystem.hpp
and have a default empty constructor.See the structure of the default plugins for an example of a working plugin. So far three default plugin exist:
See also the Radium-PluginExample project: https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-PluginExample for ToonShader and LaplacianSmoothing.