Radium Engine  1.5.0
Ra::Core::Grid< T, D > Class Template Reference

#include <Core/Containers/Grid.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ra::Core::Grid< T, D >:
+ Collaboration diagram for Ra::Core::Grid< T, D >:


class  Iterator
 A vector of signed offsets. More...

Public Types

using IdxVector = Eigen::Matrix< uint, D, 1 >
 Dimension of our grid.
using OffsetVector = Eigen::Matrix< int, D, 1 >
 A vector of the size of the grid along each dimension.

Public Member Functions

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW Grid (const IdxVector &size=IdxVector::Zero(), const T &val=T())
 Construct a grid of a given size and fill it with the given value.
 Grid (const IdxVector &size, const T *values)
 Construct a grid of a given size with values in ()-major format.
 Grid (const Grid< T, D > &other)=default
 Copy constructor and assignment operator.
Gridoperator= (const Grid< T, D > &other)=default
uint size () const
 Returns the number of elements stored.
const IdxVectorsizeVector () const
 Returns the size vector (a D-dimensional vector with the size along each dimension).
bool empty () const
 Returns true if the grid is empty (i.e. if size() ==0).
void clear ()
 Erases all data and makes the grid empty.
const T & at (const IdxVector &idx) const
 Access an element with a D-dimensional index.
T & at (const IdxVector &idx)
const T & at (uint idx) const
 Access an element with a linear index.
T & at (uint idx)
const T & at (const Iterator &it) const
 Access an element with an iterator.
T & at (const Iterator &it)
const T * data () const
 Read only access to the underlying data.
T * data ()
 Read-write access to the underlying data.
Iterator begin ()
 Get an iterator on this grid at the first element.
Iterator begin () const
Iterator end ()
 Get an iterator on this grid past the last element.
Iterator end () const

Static Public Attributes

static const uint Dimension = D

Protected Attributes

IdxVector m_size
 Indicate the extends of the grid along each dimension.
std::vector< T > m_data
 Storage for the grid data.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, uint D>
class Ra::Core::Grid< T, D >

This class stores a D-dimensional grid of elements of arbitrary type. in a contiguous memory block. Elements are stored in column-major order. e.g. for a 3x3x3 array the element vector looks like [A000, A100, A200, A010,... A222]. Elements are accessible with a D-dimensional Vector, or linearly with iterators, thanks to the std-like interface provided.

Definition at line 17 of file Grid.hpp.

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