virtual Ra::Gui::Viewer * getViewer()=0
Access the viewer, i.e. the rendering widget.
void closed()
Emitted when the closed button has been hit.
virtual void onFrameComplete()=0
virtual Gui::Timeline * getTimeline()=0
Access the timeline.
MainWindowInterface(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Constructor and destructor.
virtual void prepareDisplay()=0
virtual void addRenderer(const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr< Engine::Rendering::Renderer > e)=0
Add render in the application: UI, viewer.
virtual void updateUi(Plugins::RadiumPluginInterface *plugin)=0
Update the ui from the plugins loaded.
void requestEngineOpenGLInitialization()
Emitted when the viewer request OpenGL initialization of the engine.
virtual Gui::SelectionManager * getSelectionManager()=0
Access the selection manager.
virtual void configure()
finalize configuration once engine viewer and connection are set.