Radium Engine  1.5.14
No Matches
Radium Compilation Details

Dependencies management systems

We developed a series of tools to fetch and compile these dependencies easily, except for Qt, which needs to be installed and passed to cmake through the variables CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or Qt5_DIR Qt6_DIR (see documentation at https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.15/cmake-manual.html#getting-started).

We offer two different systems to handle external dependencies (see details and how-to in the following sections):

  1. [recommended] external build: the user compiles and installs once for all the dependencies using a dedicated cmake project. Then, Radium cmake project is configured to link with installed dependencies, as described in compilation instructions.
  2. manual management: users can also provide their own version of the dependencies through cmake packages.
Dependencies need to be built with the same build type (ie. Release, Debug) than Radium.

Configuration of Radium

To compile Radium-Engine, you have to indicate where cmake can find each dependency.

For convenience, dependencies install procedure create a configuration file, to be used with the -C option of cmake. The cmake config file /path/to/installs/radium-external-r/radium-options.cmake contains, depending on your dependency configuration:

set(Eigen3_DIR "/path/to/external/install/share/eigen3/cmake/" CACHE PATH "My Eigen3 location")
set(OpenMesh_DIR "/path/to/external/install/share/OpenMesh/cmake/" CACHE PATH "My OpenMesh location")
set(cpplocate_DIR "/path/to/external/install/share/cpplocate/" CACHE PATH "My cpplocate location")
set(nlohmann_json_DIR "/path/to/external/install/lib/cmake/nlohmann_json/" CACHE PATH "My nlohmann_json location")
set(glm_DIR "/path/to/external/install/glm/lib/cmake/glm/" CACHE PATH "My glm location")
set(glbinding_DIR "/path/to/external/install/glbinding/" CACHE PATH "My glbinding location")
set(globjects_DIR "/path/to/external/install/globjects/" CACHE PATH "My globjects location")
set(stb_DIR "/path/to/external/install/include/stb/" CACHE PATH "My stb location")
set(stb_INCLUDE_DIR "/path/to/external/install/include/" CACHE PATH "My stb_INCLUDE location")
set(tinyEXR_DIR "/path/to/external/install/share/tinyEXR/cmake/" CACHE PATH "My tinyEXR location")
set(assimp_DIR "/path/to/external/install/lib/cmake/assimp-5.0/" CACHE PATH "My assimp location")
set(tinyply_DIR "/path/to/external/install/lib/cmake/tinyply/" CACHE PATH "My tinyply location")
set(PowerSlider_DIR "/path/to/external/install/lib/cmake/PowerSlider/" CACHE PATH "My PowerSlider location")
set(RADIUM_IO_ASSIMP ON CACHE BOOL "Radium uses assimp io")
set(RADIUM_IO_TINYPLY ON CACHE BOOL "Radium uses tinyply io")

When configuring Radium cmake project, don't forget to add this file by calling cmake -C /path/to/installs/radium-external-r/radium-options.cmake ...

You can also provide these variables as cmake command line argument:

cmake \
-DEigen3_DIR /path/to/external/install/share/eigen3/cmake/
... and so on ...

User provided external dependencies

You can use your own installation of a local dependency instead of letting cmake fetch and compile it. To this end, just provide the corresponding '*_DIR' to cmake at configuration time as show before (with '-D' option, configuration file or toolchain file, please refer to cmake documentation).

Currently supported (note that these paths must refer to the installation directory of the corresponding library):

  • assimp_DIR
  • tinyply_DIR
  • PowerSlider_DIR
  • glm_DIR
  • glbinding_DIR
  • globjects_DIR
  • stb_DIR
  • tinyEXR_DIR
  • Eigen3_DIR
  • OpenMesh_DIR
  • cpplocate_DIR
  • nlohmann_json_DIR
You have to take care of the consistency of the external dependencies, e.g. it's not possible to use your version of globjects without providing your version of eigen, otherwise you will have mixed version in Radium.

Radium Build Details

Radium follows a standard cmake structure, so any IDE supporting cmake should be able to configure and build it. Out-of source builds are mandatory.

Several targets allowing to build or install only a specific part of Radium-Engine are defined by the cmake configuration. The standard targets all and install are also available as a shortcut to build all the configured components and to install the main components.

We strongly recommend to have dedicated build and install directories for each build type (Release, Debug). To compile Radium in Debug mode, the dependencies must be compiled and installed in Debug mode (due to a limitation in assimp).

Folder structure

Radium-Engine relies on CMake build-chain on all supported platforms. In most cases, building should be pretty straightforward, provided that cmake can locate the dependencies.

Installation directory

By default, ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} is set as follow:

  • For release build :
  • For Debug or RelWithDebInfo build

It has the following structure

- bin/ include/ lib/ LICENSE README.md Resources/

Configure build options

Radium offers the following build options:

// Enable coverage, gcc only. Experimental, need ENABLE_TESTING
// Enable examples app build. To install examples, build explicitly the target Install_RadiumExamples.
// Enable precompiled headers.
// Enable testing. Tests are automatically built with target all, run with target check or test.
// Enable testing of OpenGL functionalities. Option only available if RADIUM_ENABLE_TESTING is ON.
// Include Radium::Core in CMake project.
// Include Radium::Engine in CMake project.
// Include Radium::Gui in CMake project.
// Include Radium::Headless in CMake project.
// Include Radium::IO in CMake project.
// Include Radium::PluginBase in CMake project.
// Install documentation. If RadiumDoc is compiled, install documentation to bundle directory for install target.
// Provide loaders based on Assimp library
// Provide deprecated loaders (to be removed without notice)
// Provide loaders based on TinyPly library
// Provide loader for volume pvm file format
// Disable Radium Log messages
// Update version file each time the project is compiled (update compilation time in version.cpp).
// Use double precision for Scalar.

All radium related cmake options (with their current values) can be printed with cmake -LAH | grep -B1 RADIUM (on linux like system)

For computers with low RAM capacities (under 12G) we recommend to set the CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable to a reasonable value (i.e. 2) to prevent the computer from swapping.

Precompiled headers

Radium build can take benefit of precompiled headers. To do so, set RADIUM_ENABLE_PCH=ON (OFF by default) at cmake configure time. Compilation speedup depends on what files you are currently editing, and full compilation is roughly 20% less with precompiled header enabled.

Dependencies between libraries

The options RADIUM_GENERATE_LIB_XXXX allows to enable/disable each Radium library. The dependencies between libraries are set as follow:

add_dependencies (${ra_engine_target} PUBLIC Radium::Core)
add_dependencies (${ra_io_target} PUBLIC Radium::Core)
add_dependencies (${ra_pluginbase_target} Radium::Core Radium::Engine)
add_dependencies (${ra_gui_target} PUBLIC Radium::Core Radium::Engine Radium::PluginBase Radium::IO)
Consistency of RADIUM_GENERATE_LIB_*** options is not checked wrt. the dependencies.
  • When enabled using RADIUM_GENERATE_LIB_***, each library has a compilation target: Core, Engine, ...